Compute the Rotnitzky-Jewell information criterion for an object of mcglm class. WARNINGS: This function is limited to models with ONE response variable.

RJC(object, id, verbose = TRUE)



an object of mcglm class.


a vector which identifies the clusters. The length and order of id should be the same as the number of observations. Data are assumed to be sorted so that observations on a cluster are contiguous rows for all entities in the formula.


logical. Print or not the RJC value.


Wang, M. (2014). Generalized Estimating Equations in Longitudinal Data Analysis: A Review and Recent Developments. Advances in Statistics, 1(1)1--13.


The value of the Rotnitzky-Jewell information criterion. Note that the function assumes that the data are in the correct order.

See also

gof, plogLik, pAIC, pKLIC, ESS and GOSHO.