The function mc_car helps to build the components of the matrix linear predictor used for fitting conditional autoregressive models. This function is used in general for fitting spatial areal data using the well known conditional autoregressive models (CAR). This function depends on a list of neighboors, such a list can be constructed, for example using the tri2nb function from the spdep package based on spatial coordinates. This way to specify the matrix linear predictor can also be applied for spatial continuous data, as an approximation.

mc_car(list_neigh, intrinsic = FALSE)



list of neighboors.




Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1--30.


A list of a matrix (intrinsic = TRUE) or two matrices (intrinsic = FALSE).

See also

mc_id, mc_compute_rho, mc_conditional_test, mc_dist, mc_ma, mc_rw
and mc_mixed.